1. Log onto AccuEd Connect.

  2. Once logged in, find the “Reports” tab on the left-hand side near the bottom of the screen.

  3. Click on the “Reports” tab.

  4. Three tabs each saying “Learner Progress”, “Learner Course Progress” and “Near Miss” will appear.

  5. Click the “Learner Course Progress” tab

  6. Click on the “Learner Course Progress” tab and find the “Customize Report” button in the top left-hand corner.

  7. Click on the “Customize Report” button.

  8. Type in the full name of the user(s) in the search bar and click the “Run Report” button

  9. The name of the searched user(s) will appear with a list of assigned courses.


    The course status will appear on the right side of the screen. The time spent on each course and the date each course was started will also be found there.