Create a spreadsheet on Google or Excel with the necessary fields and headers in the given order.
Firstname, Lastname, Username, Password, Email, Role, Location, Department, and Title.
Please Note: The columns for Username, Password, Department, Title, and Location can be left empty but make sure they still exist on the sheet.
1. First name/Last name
- Please carefully spell the names correctly and in its formal form to ensure security and verification
2. Username
- Not necessary but must still exist in the sheet
3. Password
- The Password must be at least eight characters long
- Not necessary but must still exist in the sheet
4. Primary Email
- Please be careful to enter the User's Email correctly to ensure security and verification
5. Role - Your "Role" dictates your privileges on the site.
- Users - Specifically there for training
- Report Manager - Training and can see reports on course completion
- Administrator - Training, Reports, and assignments of courses and groups and more
6. Location, Department, and Title refer to the three "umbrella" Group Types you have access to on the site. These titles can be edited and used for your convenience.
- When you make a group under a specific type, you can use that group to sort people on your site. Filling in a "group" name under any of the types on your sheet will automatically add those users to the group.
- EXAMPLE: if you have bus drivers who need to see any or multiple bus-related courses, you can put the words "Bus Driver" under a group type header and the staff will be in the new group.
7. Download the sheet into a “CSV” or “XLSX” format.